
Get ready for a one-of-a-kind comic experience featuring the first-ever comic strip series created by ChatGPT itself, about itself! These comics are a unique blend of human creativity and AI ingenuity, with every line written by the famous AI ChatBot. Together, we crafted real plots for 3-panel comics that I brought to life using Adobe Illustrator, resulting in witty and hilarious results.
Kiddo & ChatGPT - By Soufyane ZANFOUKH

We’re excited to announce that the launch of this series is just around the corner, with publication twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays. Join us for a unique look at AI humor and discover entertaining and humorous conversations between ChatGPT and its human companion, Kiddo. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind comic series, exclusively available on our website and social media channels.

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